ÜRO Peaassamblee 71. istungjärk kinnitas eile, 13. detsembril Rahvusvahelise Kaubanduskoja – ICC vaatleja staatuse ÜRO Peaassambleel. See on väga kõrge tunnustus rahvusvahelise äri juhtorganisatsioonile: ühelgi valitsusvälisel organisatsioonil sellist staatust pole.
Istungjärk rõhutas, et ICC vaatleja staatus ei ole ega tohi olla pretsedent teistele valitsusvälistele organisatsioonidele. Eellugu saab lugeda SIIT.
ICC peasekretäri John Danilovichi tervituskiri
Dear Colleagues and Members, I am delighted to inform you that the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has been officially granted Observer Status by the United Nations’ General Assembly. The decision was taken today by the 193 members of the UN General Assembly during its on-going 71st session in New York. This is an historic achievement for ICC and one which provides a unique platform for the world business organisation to represent our members in the world’s greatest international forum. ICC is the only private-sector organisation to have been granted Observer Status at the General Assembly in the history of the United Nations. The list of UN observers is highly restricted and features principally intergovernmental organisations. ICC’s new status could not have come at a more important time: not only does the United Nations 2030 Agenda place an unprecedented focus on the private sector to drive sustainable development; but we must also do more to counter growing populist and protectionist forces within the global economy. Obtaining Observer Status will—for the first time—provide a direct voice for business in the UN system to promote policies that foster sustainable & inclusive growth, job creation and economic cooperation. We would like to express our profound gratitude for the tremendous support you provided for our campaign over the last three months. Your intense contributions made it possible to achieve this historic milestone in ICC history—and what a tremendous example of the power of our global network of national committees, chambers and members. Commenting on today’s decision, ICC Chairman Sunil Bharti Mittal said: “This is huge recognition of the role that business can play in contributing to a better and peaceful world. Granting Observer Status to ICC sends a powerful signal that the UN recognizes business as a vital partner. We stand ready to ensure that the private sector plays a full role in meeting the ambition of the 2030 agenda.” We look forward to working with you in the coming months to utilize this new platform to deepen our engagement with the United Nations on areas of critical importance such as trade, sustainable development, mass migration and the digital economy. Our media announcement on today’s decision can be accessed on the ICC website.
Yours sincerely,
John Danilovich Secretary General |
International Chamber of Commerce 33-43 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris, FRANCE T 33 (0) 1 49 53 28 28 F 33 (0) 1 49 53 28 59 E icc@iccwbo.org W www.iccwbo.org |