ICC YAF: Parties Representation in Investment Arbitration

26jaanTerve päevICC YAF: Parties Representation in Investment ArbitrationMilan, Italy, • English



ICC Young Arbitrators Forum (ICC YAF) is organizing a conference addressing the challenges arising from the representation of respectively claimants and respondent States in investment arbitration, providing young practitioners with an overview of specific issues that a counsel might face when representing either party.

One peculiarity of investment treaty arbitration is that parties to the proceedings repeatedly play opposite roles, each presenting different challenges with respect to the procedure, case management techniques and funding.

The invited speakers will bring their experience in representing either claimants or respondent States and will discuss the presented topics drawing from their different perspectives.

The event will focus on practical topics, rather than addressing international investment substantive law.  To this extent, discussion topics will be:

  • Managing the client. The panellists will address the different dynamics that lawyers representing States and private investors respectively face throughout the conduct of an investment treaty arbitration;

Arbitrators selection. The panellists will discuss the qualities and prongs that lawyers representing States and representing private investors respectively consider when choosing party appointed arbitrators or the chairperson).

If time allows, the additional topic on Enforcement will be presented. The panellists will discuss the hurdles of enforcing an award against a sovereign State or, conversely, an award on costs against a claimant.

Who should attend?

This conference is aimed at young arbitration practitioners of approximately 40 years or under: counsel, arbitrators, corporate counsel or academics. The ICC YAF Conference is an ideal forum for young practitioners to exchange thoughts on international arbitration and to enrich their network in the region.


26.01.2018 Terve päev(GMT+00:00)

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