Soft Law and its Development by the Arbitration Committee of the IBA

29jaanTerve päevSoft Law and its Development by the Arbitration Committee of the IBAPanama City, Panama, • Spanish


The ICC International Court of Arbitration and the International Bar Association (IBA) have teamed up to organize this conference focusing on the efforts of the Arbitration Committee of the IBA in international arbitration and Soft Law.


This conference will be held on the eve of the ICC Conference in Panama “ICC PANARB 2018” which will take place 30 January 2018 and will discuss the development of Soft Law by the Arbitration Committee of the IBA.

Who should attend?

Practicing lawyers, corporate counsel, in-house counsel, arbitrators and other dispute resolution services practitioners, academics and professionals involved and/or interested in obtaining further knowledge and keep up to date with domestic and international arbitration in The Americas.


29.01.2018 Terve päev(GMT+00:00)

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